We want to hear from you!

The City of Los Angeles Innovation and Performance Commission has a $1 million Innovation Fund, and we want to hear from you! We know that City employees, City Commissioners, Elected Officials, and Neighborhood Councils have great ideas for how we can make our City more efficient and provide better service to its residents. Ideas will be considered on a first- come, first-served basis. The best ideas will be funded in the order in which they are received. Funds will be provided to the department that will implement the Innovation Fund idea. 

Don't wait! Apply now!

Ideas should: 

A. Be Innovative and Original - Does the idea demonstrate how it keeps Los Angeles ahead of the curve and the creativity that is the hallmark of our City?

B. Support Greater Efficiencies - Does the idea improve a process, save time, increase collaboration among departments, provide the potential for long-term benefits, or generate revenue and/or cost savings?

C. Emphasize Priority Outcomes and Quality of Life - Does the idea help create a prosperous City, a livable and sustainable City, a safe City, and/or a well-run government?

D. Be Feasible and Measurable - Can the idea be executed and measured within six to 12 months of being funded? Does the idea need funding year after year or only one time? A one-time award from the Innovation Fund should be sufficient to implement your great idea. Prior to award, each project should have clear metrics for evaluating the impact of the idea, and the Commission and staff can help develop those metrics.




"A Smart and Sustainable LA" includes innovative ideas focused on resiliency, green public spaces, urban planning, emotions, recycling, sanitation, energy, water, and so on. Submit your idea now!

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Ideas where the City, its residents, and technology meet the road, helping forge pathways that lead to more efficient and effective methods of service delivery. Submit your idea now!

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Do you have an innovative idea that will bring together communities, support and empower business owners, enhance job and leadership skills, support neighborhood councils, and/or other ways to build stronger communities in Los Angeles? Submit your idea now!

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Do you have innovative ideas that can improve the health and public safety of Los Angelinos? In addition, we are looking for ideas to increase safety and transform public transportation in LA. Submit your idea now!

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Do you have innovative ideas to address infrastructure improvements within the City of LA? This includes, but not limited to: Aging water infrastructure, poor air quality, traffic congestion, deteriorated roads, increasing energy demand, outdated electric distribution systems, and so on.. Submit your idea now!

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Seeking ideas to address systemic racism within law enforcement, employment, housing, banking, and so on. Submit your idea now!

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Looking for ideas to address Los Angeles’s homelessness crisis. Submit your idea now!

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Innovation Fund - City of Los Angeles